About the Author
Leeza Donatella
"I am fortunate to have found a small town with big miracles in Abadiania, Brazil in early 2003, a place where I go when I am ready to get to the next step in my own spiritual development. It is when I am in the presence of John of God in this small town in the middle of nowhere that I am totally connected to that universal energy force for the next phase, the Bam, that kick to the next level. I am truly grateful for the time I spend there, from 1 to 6 months at a time and have experienced my own miracles of growth while there."
Leeza Donatella
Certified Life Coach
Certified EFT (Emotional Freedom) Practitioner
Certified Reiki Master
Author: Link to Books"I am fortunate to have found a small town with big miracles in Abadiania, Brazil in early 2003, a place where I go when I am ready to get to the next step in my own spiritual development. It is when I am in the presence of John of God in this small town in the middle of nowhere that I am totally connected to that universal energy force for the next phase, the Bam, that kick to the next level. I am truly grateful for the time I spend there, from 1 to 6 months at a time and have experienced my own miracles of growth while there."
LeeZa teaches and lectures about living a life full of love where every day you are filled with bliss and joy.
I am grateful for the amazing opportunities I have had. It has been a life filled with extraordinary experiences and synchronicity. I travel a lot and have an incredible sense of adventure, preferring places like Machu Picchu over Cancun. I'm comfortable sleeping in the middle of the Amazon in a hammock and enjoyed the volunteering in Mexico and Brazil while performing research for my projects.
Through her world travels and working alongside masters in energy medicine, she realized that our emotions or state of being play a major role in our physical as well as our mental and spiritual health. A side benefit of living changing ones state of being is what she calls a higher vibration where the most delicious experiences are birthed.
Leeza has formulated the theory she calls The State of Being Love, a formula that when practiced guides you toward living each day in a loving state, excited and filled with joy. She speaks to audiences both in the US and abroad about what inspires and motivates us, causes us stress and understanding how past emotional trauma impedes us from moving forward until we recognize and release it.
"Emotions are really energy in motion and part of the vital free flowing force within us. When we live in joy we attract the most amazing experiences. Those who continue to live in emotional trauma, ultimately attract negative physical experiences and outcomes."
Leeza has been involved with energy medicine since the 1990s, having worked alongside many masters. Her studies have included but are not limited to: Bio-Energy, Japanese Reiki, anapana and vipassana meditation, balancing and harmonization, eastern and western herbalism, reflexology and acupressure. She is also a student of Gary Craig, for the emotional freedom technique (EFT - Tapping).